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03 April 2024


A LANCASHIRE housebuilder has stepped up to inspire the next generation into the industry.

Part of an employability programme ran by The Prince’s Trust, Shaun, 17, Jessica, 16 and Jack, 19, have completed two weeks work experience at Kingswood’s Green Hills in Blackburn.

Princes Trust

The 12-week full-time course, delivered by staff from Lancashire Fire and Rescue, on behalf of the Prince’s Trust, is available for young people aged 16-25 years and is aimed at improving their confidence, motivation, and skills.

Available for both unemployed and employed young people, it includes work experience, careers advice, qualifications, challenging projects, community action, and an action-packed team building week-long residential.

Susan Rigby, Prince’s Trust support worker, said: “Week seven of the 12-week course is the work experience segment.

“Shaun, Jessica and Jack all said that they were interested in a career in the construction industry and Kingswood Homes stepped in to give the trio a taster of what they could be doing on site.”

Shaun has spent his time with DNA Construction and Jessica and Jack worked under CLK Construction.

Stuart Bullough, construction director at Kingswood Homes said: “I think it’s vital to tap into the younger generation and showcase the many positive opportunities that come with working within the construction industry. At Kingswood Homes, we are very happy and proud to be working with the Prince’s Trust to offer these great opportunities and support local communities.”

During the 12-weeks, participants:

  • Gain nationally recognised qualifications (Certificate in Teamwork, Employability and Community skills.
  • Improve Numeracy and Literacy on a personal e-programme
  • Uncover hidden talents
  • Improve their motivation and self-confidence
  • Assume some responsibility and leadership
  • Develop team working and communication skills
  • Raise their awareness of their local community and how they can contribute to it


To find out more about the programme or to apply visit:


To find out more about Kingswood Homes visit